Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dickens Of A Christmas

We had lots of family in town over Thanksgiving break. We spent our last day together at Dickens of A Christmas.
William enjoyed the petting zoo.
Catherine did not like the ponies and reindeer.
William and cousin JP on the carousel.
Our Pittsburgh cousins. We are going to miss them!


Catherine and Cousin Drew.
We had a fun week getting to know our Pittsburgh cousins. Above picture of our ICEC Meeting (Ice Cream Eaters Club).

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This year we are thankful for all the wonderful memories of our beautiful grandmother. We will miss you Grandma Green!
Mary Agnes Green, wife of retired Elder of the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church, the Rev. R. Edwin Green, died Monday November 22, 2010 in Plano, Texas. Her family will hold a private family prayer service on Wednesday November 24, 2010. A memorial service will be held at a later date at Oglethorpe Memorial Garden on St. Simon's Island, Georgia. Survivors include: husband, the Rev. R. Edwin Green; children, John W. Green (Sandy), Philip B. Green (Barbara), Thomas J. Green (Jane) and Susan E. Wilkerson (Scott); seven living and two deceased grandchildren; and eleven great-grandchildren.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Feasts

Today the kids had Thanksgiving at school. Standing in line three times was not a good plan so told the kids they could have food from any "drive thru." Their lunch times were longer which made kindergarten start at 10am! Nothing open for lunch at 9:30am so William got breakfast from Chick-fil-A. It was yummy!
The girls got their turkey feasts from Dickey's.

Lunch #3 finished at 2pm. Catherine was a trooper!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Christmas List

William has "real baby" on his Christmas list. He wants Santa to bring a boy this year!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

High School Musical

William went on his 1st school field trip yesterday. They went to the high school to see a musical. His favorite part was riding the school bus!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

City Hall

Sarah got to go on another field trip today to City Hall. They got to hear from all the city departments including a fireman, a policeman and the mayor! Afterward, we had a picnic then took a tour in the historic village. Above picture of Sarah in the old historic schoolhouse downtown.