Monday, August 29, 2011

Raptors Baseball

William and his baseball team made it to the championship in their pre-season tournament and won 1st place last night in extra innings!
William receiving his trophy.

The bar has been set high for his good looking coach!

Proud Parents!

Cousin Time!

We were so excited this past weekend to see Uncle Andrew, Aunt Charon, Drew and baby Cooper!
Proud Great Grandpa Green holding another baby boy to carry on the Green name.

Elizabeth holding one month old Cooper. He is a big boy!

Sarah loved holding him. Such a sweet baby.

William is very excited that Aunt Charon had a boy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

1st Day of School

Yesterday was the 1st day of school and Elizabeth's 1st day of middle school. They all had a great day and talked non-stop all evening! Elizabeth was nervous yesterday morning but ended up meeting new friends, loves all her classes and was very excited to go back this morning.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

2nd Place Trophy

Elizabeth and her softball team took 2nd place today in the Beat the Heat Tournament. These girls have been working hard all summer and are getting better at each tournament. Beat the Heat was the perfect name for this tournament! They played five games yesterday in a record high temp of 107! Elizabeth is front row far right. Way to Go Texas Force!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Meet The Teacher

Well...the start of school is getting closer and we saw a little excitement about summer coming to an end when they saw all their friends again this evening. Above picture of William with his 1st grade teacher. Elizabeth and Sarah had the same teacher in 1st grade and we couldn't be more pleased to get her a 3rd time!
Sarah has moved upstairs to 4th grade! This is her homeroom/Reading teacher.

Sarah and her Math/Science teacher.

Sarah and her Writing/Social Studies teacher.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Today was Elizabeth's first day of confirmation. She is looking forward to all the fun activities, meeting new friends and growing closer to God. Eric and I are excited about our new confirmation Sunday School class and getting involved with her in worship, service projects, small groups and retreats. It will be a wonderful spiritual journey for all of us.
It seems like yesterday our baby girl was starting kindergarten with her kissing hand sticker and Darth Vader lunch box that she had to have!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cub Camp

Elizabeth is about to start middle school! She attended Cub Camp with all the other incoming 6th graders at her new school. We have decided to send her to the same district as Eric. She will be at the middle school that feeds his high school.Align Center Eric will be able to take her to school in the morning as they are within walking distance of each other.
She got her class schedule, learned her locker combination and met a few of her teachers. Eric and I walked her schedule with her a couple of times and enjoyed a nice cookout for lunch.

They had a small pep rally with the middle school band and cheerleaders. She was overwhelmed about the whole move but feels better about it all now. Having daddy as her principal in three years will be worth she thinks!! lol

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Texas Heat Wave 2011

We are beating the heat with lots of swimming and ice cream. Today was the 34th straight day of 100+ degrees! We beat another record today with a high of 108.
Who needs fruits and veggies? Catherine lives on ice cream and popsicles.

Soaking up the AC with sleepovers, movies and more ice cream! Starting school is not on the radar.