Tuesday, August 25, 2015

1st Day of School 2015

 Yesterday was the first day of school.  Sarah 8th, William 5th, Elizabeth 10th and Catherine started kindergarten.
 We are so excited to share another year with our favorite kindergarten teacher.  (4th round)!  It is so special to have/had her teach all four kids!
William did not want us to walk him to class.  He was embarrassed but his teacher got him to pose for this quick picture.  Can't believe this is his last year of elementary school!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mission Mania

 The kids did lots of projects at our church this week to help our community.

 Sarah loved her crew of 1st graders!

 Elizabeth and her crew during music.
 William getting help sewing.
 Singing at the nursing home.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

10 Year Portraits

 William's 10 year portraits (four months late).  He wore the wrong shoes.  At least his socks match.
 Love those freckles!
 Mustangs Soccer
 Spartans Baseball

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Rumble

 Last night was the annual Rumble at the high school.  The Rumble is a community kick-off event every year on the night of the first high school football scrimmage.
 Eric was in charge of the events and he has been stressed for weeks!  He did a great job!
 All of the student organizations marched out together before the game.  Elizabeth walked with the softball team.
 A few of her high school teammates.
 Each organization ran a carnival type booth.  Elizabeth trying to dunk her high school softball coach.
 Catherine showing the high school tennis team how to do a slam.
 William didn't miss a thing!
Future Knights

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Fun

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Performance Course

Elizabeth (sitting far left) completed Performance Course this past week.  These girls worked hard all summer and started every morning at 7am!
Elizabeth received PC Star of the Year!  She lost 2 inches in her waist and gained 5 pounds!  Muscle Muscle Muscle!