Friday, May 23, 2014

AT&T Stadium

 Elizabeth and her classmates had fun on their 8th grade field trip to Jerry World.
 Gig 'Em
 Michael Irvin.  They got to tour the locker room, suites, watch the sky mirror and play on the field.
The star the Cowboys run through before the games.  GO Cowboys!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

 My Mother's Day started bright and early with breakfast in bed!
 Sarah also made me a cake all by herself.
 William gave me coupons he made at school and beautiful flowers.
 Eric took Catherine to Walmart and let her pick out a gift for me.  She insisted on getting me princess fruit snacks.  She knew exactly what I wanted.  :-)
 The girls gave me a spa day to enjoy with them.  We are excited!
 We visited my mom after church.
 Papa Gammon gave $5 bucks to anyone who jumped into the pool!  Crazy kids!
Happy Mother's Day 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Beach Volleyball

Sarah and her friends played in their first 4vs4 beach volleyball tournament today.  It was a fundraiser for the high school with most of the teams being high school kids.  These girls held their own as the only 6th grade team!
They were beating this team of high school boys and lost by only 3 points! I thanked the boys after the game for taking it easy on the girls.  Their response was that they weren't taking it easy and told the girls they really were trying hard to win.  Made. Their. Day!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco de Mayo

Congratulations to Elizabeth and her team for receiving 1st place this weekend in the Cinco de Mayo tournament.  Elizabeth is far left back row.


 Sarah was confirmed this past Saturday.
 We attended a beautiful service at our church.
 We are proud of her accomplishments over the past nine months.
 Sarah and her prayer partner.
 Afterward, we celebrated and enjoyed a nice dinner together.
Congratulations, Sarah!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Field Day

William enjoyed Field Day at school today.  It was picture perfect weather and they had a blast!  He is the happiest and dirtiest kid!